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Feng Shui for Weight Loss

Whether you are trying to lose those few extra pounds or working to lose a serious amount of weight to improve your health, these nine Feng Shui weight loss tips can help. Feng Shui is the art and science of placing objects and colors around you to attract positive energy, and that positive energy can certainly relate to the food you eat.
1. Use Blue Plates. Switch to blue plates to slow down your eating and help stick to a diet. Blue is the color of the Water Element, and it has been shown to slow down the body by reducing blood pressure and pulse rate. In fact, the term “Blue Plate Special” was popularized during the Depression when restaurant owners found that diners were satisfied with a smaller portion of food when it was served on a blue plate.
2. Remove Kitchen Clutter. Clutter keeps you stuck in a rut no matter where it is in your house, but a cluttered kitchen is a special drain on your energy. A kitchen that is overwhelmed with “stuff" can psychologically add weight. Clear the clutter from your pantry, cabinets, drawers, counters, and refrigerator to lighten your kitchen and, consequently, your weight. Remember to clear places you've been avoiding, like under the sink and over the refrigerator. The act of cleaning out the “weight” of the clutter in a kitchen can impact the weight of the person doing the clutter clearing.
3. Clear Your Closets. Get rid of old clothes you have been saving for “when you lose weight.” If you hold on to clothes that don't fit, it symbolizes holding on to old behavior patterns. Plus if you are holding on to outdated clothes you won’t feel motivated to lose enough weight to wear them. Instead, get rid of the clothes you can't wear and you will make room for new clothes -- in smaller sizes -- to flow into the space you open up in your closets.
4. Remove Blocks to Weight Loss. Re-locate your workout equipment in a room where you will actually use it. For example, if your treadmill is located in an unheated garage, it’s unlikely you will venture out there in the cold months. Get rid of any exercise equipment you no longer use, because it sends a negative message of weight loss failure. Instead, sell or donate it and invest in a weight loss program you will actually follow, like a gym membership, personal trainer, or workout videos.
5. Add Mirrors. Hang mirrors in strategic locations in your home to activate reflect your body and reinforce your resolve to change your image. For example, try placing a mirror on the door of the snack cabinet, “junk food closet,” or the refrigerator door to stop yourself before you snack.
6. Hide Your Kitchen. If your kitchen is in a direct line with your front door, or if it is the first room you see when you enter the house, it may encourage eating. Keep the kitchen door closed or hang a mirror or artwork near the door to distract your eye away from the room. Another option is to add doors or a cloth entry hanging similar to what you see in Japanese restaurants.
7. Avoid the Color Red. Restaurant owners know that the color red stimulates the appetite, and they use it generously in their décor. But in your home it’s best to avoid using a red tablecloth or placemats. Instead, a good Feng Shui weight loss tip is to choose blue, black, or floral patterns for your table coverings. These represent the Water Element, which helps your mealtime flow gently.
8. Dine at a Beautiful Table. Try to eat all of your meals at a table to make each meal a positive experience. Decorate your table with fresh flowers, candles, and even use the “good” dishes. After all, what are you saving them for? You certainly deserve to be treated like an honored guest in your own home, especially when you are trying to change your eating habits.
9. Balance the Yin and Yang. Vary the color and texture of the foods you eat and the containers you serve them on. Balance the yin and yang by placing light colored foods in brightly colored containers, and serving a mixture of hot and spicy foods with lighter and milder flavors. Since fruits and vegetables are the most colorful foods, when you mix their colors you naturally make healthier choices. Be sure to buy fresh ingredients, because processed food has stagnant chi energy. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on your counter to attract positive chi into your kitchen.

1. Use Blue Plates. Switch to blue plates to slow down your eating and help stick to a diet. Blue is the color of the Water Element, and it has been shown to slow down the body by reducing blood pressure and pulse rate. In fact, the term “Blue Plate Special” was popularized during the Depression when restaurant owners found that diners were satisfied with a smaller portion of food when it was served on a blue plate.
2. Remove Kitchen Clutter. Clutter keeps you stuck in a rut no matter where it is in your house, but a cluttered kitchen is a special drain on your energy. A kitchen that is overwhelmed with “stuff" can psychologically add weight. Clear the clutter from your pantry, cabinets, drawers, counters, and refrigerator to lighten your kitchen and, consequently, your weight. Remember to clear places you've been avoiding, like under the sink and over the refrigerator. The act of cleaning out the “weight” of the clutter in a kitchen can impact the weight of the person doing the clutter clearing.
3. Clear Your Closets. Get rid of old clothes you have been saving for “when you lose weight.” If you hold on to clothes that don't fit, it symbolizes holding on to old behavior patterns. Plus if you are holding on to outdated clothes you won’t feel motivated to lose enough weight to wear them. Instead, get rid of the clothes you can't wear and you will make room for new clothes -- in smaller sizes -- to flow into the space you open up in your closets.
4. Remove Blocks to Weight Loss. Re-locate your workout equipment in a room where you will actually use it. For example, if your treadmill is located in an unheated garage, it’s unlikely you will venture out there in the cold months. Get rid of any exercise equipment you no longer use, because it sends a negative message of weight loss failure. Instead, sell or donate it and invest in a weight loss program you will actually follow, like a gym membership, personal trainer, or workout videos.
5. Add Mirrors. Hang mirrors in strategic locations in your home to activate reflect your body and reinforce your resolve to change your image. For example, try placing a mirror on the door of the snack cabinet, “junk food closet,” or the refrigerator door to stop yourself before you snack.
6. Hide Your Kitchen. If your kitchen is in a direct line with your front door, or if it is the first room you see when you enter the house, it may encourage eating. Keep the kitchen door closed or hang a mirror or artwork near the door to distract your eye away from the room. Another option is to add doors or a cloth entry hanging similar to what you see in Japanese restaurants.
7. Avoid the Color Red. Restaurant owners know that the color red stimulates the appetite, and they use it generously in their décor. But in your home it’s best to avoid using a red tablecloth or placemats. Instead, a good Feng Shui weight loss tip is to choose blue, black, or floral patterns for your table coverings. These represent the Water Element, which helps your mealtime flow gently.
8. Dine at a Beautiful Table. Try to eat all of your meals at a table to make each meal a positive experience. Decorate your table with fresh flowers, candles, and even use the “good” dishes. After all, what are you saving them for? You certainly deserve to be treated like an honored guest in your own home, especially when you are trying to change your eating habits.
9. Balance the Yin and Yang. Vary the color and texture of the foods you eat and the containers you serve them on. Balance the yin and yang by placing light colored foods in brightly colored containers, and serving a mixture of hot and spicy foods with lighter and milder flavors. Since fruits and vegetables are the most colorful foods, when you mix their colors you naturally make healthier choices. Be sure to buy fresh ingredients, because processed food has stagnant chi energy. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on your counter to attract positive chi into your kitchen.