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Feng Shui Success Stories

Feng Shui is the art and science of placing things in your home or office to attract good things into your life, and the Feng Shui success stories that my clients share with me most often involve attracting wealth, harmony, and love.
Attracting Wealth
I have collected many success stories from clients and students who follow my favorite Feng Shui tip -- "Buy yourself a new red wallet to help attract wealth." Jesse had been experiencing financial difficulties when I gave her that tip.
Here is what Jesse wrote --
At the beginning of the year I was worried about my business and my finances. You suggested I buy a new red wallet and "hide" a $50 bill in it that I didn't plan to spend as a way to attract more money. That immediately made a difference, and I signed two new clients that month. I just finished a project for one of those clients and they recommended me to someone else. I met with them yesterday and they hired me immediately. Since I got my new red wallet I've felt more confident regarding my finances and feel I have plenty of money and can buy exactly what I need. What a difference the red wallet made!
Attracting Harmony
Mirrors are sometimes called the "aspirin" of Feng Shui, but like aspirin, mirrors should be used sparingly and only as needed. When a mirror reflects something that is not appealing, it can symbolically double it. One of the issues my client Leslie faced was feeling overwhelmed by the household chores that were distracting her from spending time with her family.
Here is what Leslie wrote --
I was walking around the house thinking about the Feng Shui fixes you recommended and not concentrating on any one area. I noticed that when the bathroom door was closed, the mirror on the front of it reflected my laundry hamper and ironing board. Well, no wonder I felt like I always felt overwhelmed by piles of laundry to wash and iron. I immediately moved the mirror, and I have to tell you that it worked. I still have laundry, but now I bring it into the family room and everyone helps me fold it at night, and it has become a time when the kids can talk about what happened at school.
Attracting Love
When I walked into Laura's L-shaped home it was obvious that the Love/Relationship area was missing. Divorced for many years, Laura was more than ready for a new relationship but it wasn't happening for her. I explained how the missing area related to the love that was missing in her life. Then I helped her mark the missing corner of her house with a pair of red ceramic flower pots that she had been storing in the basement, and urged her to plant red geraniums in them. Some time later, I received a positive e-mail from Laura.
Here is what Laura wrote --
What an eye-opener when you said I was missing the Love/Relationship area of my house. I couldn't stop telling people about it, and how it was the perfect metaphor for what was going on in my life. I moved the red planters to help anchor the love area and bring love back. Almost immediately after that I met Mike. Really, I couldn't believe it. Mike is such a wonderful man and I already know that he is the "one." Thank you for this eye-opening explanation of the missing area in my house.
Unexpected Gifts
One of my favorite success stories is from a client in Washington, DC, who made a small change and got an amazing gift in return –
I was sitting in my living room reading your book and I realized that in order to make my living room more welcoming, I needed to turn my sofa so it faced the door. Once I rearranged the furniture it seemed to invite company. Soon after, I received a call from a couple we had met on a cruise the month before, asking if they could stay with us during the Presidential Inauguration. I'm not sure why, but I immediately said "yes." When our guests arrived they brought an unexpected gift -- two seats for the Inauguration, quite close to the President, and with an unbelievable view of the millions of people gathered. It was a once-in-a-lifetime gift.
Attracting Wealth
I have collected many success stories from clients and students who follow my favorite Feng Shui tip -- "Buy yourself a new red wallet to help attract wealth." Jesse had been experiencing financial difficulties when I gave her that tip.
Here is what Jesse wrote --
At the beginning of the year I was worried about my business and my finances. You suggested I buy a new red wallet and "hide" a $50 bill in it that I didn't plan to spend as a way to attract more money. That immediately made a difference, and I signed two new clients that month. I just finished a project for one of those clients and they recommended me to someone else. I met with them yesterday and they hired me immediately. Since I got my new red wallet I've felt more confident regarding my finances and feel I have plenty of money and can buy exactly what I need. What a difference the red wallet made!
Attracting Harmony
Mirrors are sometimes called the "aspirin" of Feng Shui, but like aspirin, mirrors should be used sparingly and only as needed. When a mirror reflects something that is not appealing, it can symbolically double it. One of the issues my client Leslie faced was feeling overwhelmed by the household chores that were distracting her from spending time with her family.
Here is what Leslie wrote --
I was walking around the house thinking about the Feng Shui fixes you recommended and not concentrating on any one area. I noticed that when the bathroom door was closed, the mirror on the front of it reflected my laundry hamper and ironing board. Well, no wonder I felt like I always felt overwhelmed by piles of laundry to wash and iron. I immediately moved the mirror, and I have to tell you that it worked. I still have laundry, but now I bring it into the family room and everyone helps me fold it at night, and it has become a time when the kids can talk about what happened at school.
Attracting Love
When I walked into Laura's L-shaped home it was obvious that the Love/Relationship area was missing. Divorced for many years, Laura was more than ready for a new relationship but it wasn't happening for her. I explained how the missing area related to the love that was missing in her life. Then I helped her mark the missing corner of her house with a pair of red ceramic flower pots that she had been storing in the basement, and urged her to plant red geraniums in them. Some time later, I received a positive e-mail from Laura.
Here is what Laura wrote --
What an eye-opener when you said I was missing the Love/Relationship area of my house. I couldn't stop telling people about it, and how it was the perfect metaphor for what was going on in my life. I moved the red planters to help anchor the love area and bring love back. Almost immediately after that I met Mike. Really, I couldn't believe it. Mike is such a wonderful man and I already know that he is the "one." Thank you for this eye-opening explanation of the missing area in my house.
Unexpected Gifts
One of my favorite success stories is from a client in Washington, DC, who made a small change and got an amazing gift in return –
I was sitting in my living room reading your book and I realized that in order to make my living room more welcoming, I needed to turn my sofa so it faced the door. Once I rearranged the furniture it seemed to invite company. Soon after, I received a call from a couple we had met on a cruise the month before, asking if they could stay with us during the Presidential Inauguration. I'm not sure why, but I immediately said "yes." When our guests arrived they brought an unexpected gift -- two seats for the Inauguration, quite close to the President, and with an unbelievable view of the millions of people gathered. It was a once-in-a-lifetime gift.