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As Tax Time Approaches, Clearing Clutter Helps You Go Green While You Attract “Green”

News Release
Topics: Wealth, going green, clutter, tax time
March 27, 2009
Contact: Carol M. Olmstead

Santa Fe, NM--A little Feng Shui clutter-clearing at tax filing time can help you make room for new wealth to flow into your life, even if you didn't get a refund this year, says Feng Shui expert Carol M. Olmstead. This is especially true when tax records clutter your desk or, for many people, the kitchen table.

According to Olmstead, in Feng Shui keeping too much paper clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward. “We all have to deal with some amount of clutter, especially at tax time” she says, “but in Feng Shui terms extreme paper clutter holds you back and keeps you from making progress.”

Olmstead adds that one of the basic tenets of Feng Shui is that ”nothing new flows into your life until you make room for it.” Feng Shui is about attracting abundance into your life, but clutter blocks abundance from reaching you. When you open up space by going paperless and getting rid of unneeded files and records, you not only go green but you can attract “green” as well, Olmstead says.

Tax professionals recommend that you keep personal tax records for 7-10 years and anything related to real estate property bought or sold, indefinitely. That means you can safely shred at least one box of old paper records after you file your return each year.

How do you decide what papers you need to keep in addition to what is required by law?

If you want to make space for prosperity to flow into your life, Olmstead recommends you answer these three questions to help decide whether a piece of paper is clutter or a keeper:

1. If I throw this away, will I get arrested? If the answer is NO, toss it.
2. Did I need this during the last year? If the answer is NO, out it goes.
3. Can I get it someplace else, especially on the Internet? If the answer is YES, trash it.

This tip comes from Olmstead’s new book, the "Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office: Secrets For Attracting Wealth, Harmony, and Love," which includes a month-by-month guide for reducing clutter. The book is available at or Olmstead’s website

You can also subscribe to a free monthly e-newsletter of clutter clearing advice and tips at this site.

About Carol M. Olmstead:
Carol M. Olmstead, FSII, is a nationally-recognized consultant, author, and speaker specializing in practical, real-world applications of Feng Shui for today's homes and offices. Through her company, Feng Shui For Real Life, Carol provides residential consulting and business/office consultations and conducts workshops nationwide for individuals, businesses, organizations, realtors, and home buyers/sellers. She can be reached at 800-652-9038, or email to

Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office:
Secrets For Attracting Wealth, Harmony, and Love

ISBN: 978-0-9815735-0-2
$15.95 retail. Discounts available for orders of multiple copies.
6" x 8" paperback, 296 pages
diagrams, index, bibliography, glossary
Order at or

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