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Feng Shui for a Peaceful Home

What's stressing you today?
Natural disaster, war, violence, cyber attacks, politics? It feels like every day we find something new to worry about, on top of our own personal struggles. People feel angry and powerless. I wish I could give you a Feng Shui solution to all of the world's problems. What I can do instead is share these Feng Shui tips for making your home feel harmonious, and your oasis of calm in a chaotic world.
1. Create order. Yes, this is my pitch about the importance of clearing clutter. With all that's going on in the outside world, it helps to keep your interior environment as stress-free as possible, starting by removing clutter. A cluttered environment is a chaotic one, which keeps you from being able to renew, restore, slow down, and just let go when you arrive home, because you're too busy fighting all that "stuff" around you. This is especially true when you work from home, where you need to separate your professional and personal lives. An uncluttered environment helps the energy flow smoothly, so you'll feel less anxious, less pressured, and generally in a better mood. Here's my Feng Shui "permission slip:” It's OK to get rid of everything you don't like, don't need, and don't use, no matter how much you paid for it. Keep and display only what you love.
2. Refresh the colors. When you're already full of fire from the conflict around you in a troubled world, coming home to hot, Fire Element colors like red may keep you from relaxing. Try removing some of the red and hot orange accessories and instead surrounding yourself with the color blue for relaxation and green for renewal. It's also helpful to have a warm, neutral color on the walls instead of a cold, stark white. Check to assure that your colors and patterns aren't conflicting with each other. If a pattern is jarring to your eye, it's going to make you feel stressed and cranky without realizing what's causing the problem. Try switching to solids in your accessories instead of stripes, plaids, and huge bold patterns.
3. Lighten Up. Make sure the lighting in your home is not too harsh. Modern lighting has come a long way since those CFL corkscrews first replaced incandescent bulbs (you don't still have any of those, do you?), but now you have too many choices. Look for full spectrum lighting that mimics natural daylight, and choose bulbs with warmer tones. Lighting is considered upbeat, yang energy, so in troubled times you need to bring in all the light you can to balance the dark, yin energy from imagery of violence and chaos. You can bring in more natural sunlight by cleaning your windows and opening the window treatments.
4. Connect to nature. Treat yourself to fresh flowers and healthy living plants with rounded, bushy leaves. Avoid plants with thorns or spikes, since they will add to the sharpness you are already feeling. If you have long-growing plants like cactus you don’t want to give up, surround them with plants that have soft leaves or that blossom to balance the harsh energy. Add the scent of lavender to your environment for its calming effect, especially in your bedroom to help you sleep. Precious stones can be used to deflect bad energy and to attract and boost good luck. Amethysts are generally regarded as related to peace, spirituality, and tranquility. Displaying amethyst stones can promote calmness and reduce anger and irritability.
5. Change the view. If there's anything in your home that "drives you nuts," it’s raising your anxiety level even when you’re not at home. This includes things like projects that never get finished, wall cracks that need repairing, stained furniture that needs some TLC, and anything else you've been postponing. This category also includes art and objects around you that you no longer love, or that are dark, violent, or hostile, no matter what their value. I suggest you follow my “Rule of 3Rs:” Remove, Repair, or Replace these items. Also, if you have an unattractive view from any window, hang window treatments to block it so you change your point of view, literally and figuratively.
6. Surround yourself with friendly people. The constant bombardment of bad news can make you feel alone in a disconnected world. Counter this feeling by displaying images of your family, friends, and pets. If you have photos of ancestors, display these with current images of family to show growth and connection. You can also surround yourself with images of your favorite places, especially photos of your visits there with special people. The only exception is to avoid placing photos of people other than you and your partner in your main bedroom, because this room should be a private place reserved for rest and romance. Play soothing music or nature sounds in the background so you can actually have a conversation with your friends and family, and consider a white noise machine to block out outside distractions.
Carol M. Olmstead, FSIA, is a sought-after Feng Shui Master practitioner, dynamic speaker, and critically acclaimed author. In her first book, the award-winning Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office, Carol demystifies this 5,000-year-old design tradition and shows how to unblock energy and transform your life. In her newest book, Feng Shui to the Rescue: Rearrange Your Space, Shift Your Energy, Transform Your Life!, she answers more than 400 frequently asked questions, plus shares tips and success stories from her clients. Her ebook, 365 Feng Shui Secrets, includes a tip for every day of the year.
Natural disaster, war, violence, cyber attacks, politics? It feels like every day we find something new to worry about, on top of our own personal struggles. People feel angry and powerless. I wish I could give you a Feng Shui solution to all of the world's problems. What I can do instead is share these Feng Shui tips for making your home feel harmonious, and your oasis of calm in a chaotic world.
1. Create order. Yes, this is my pitch about the importance of clearing clutter. With all that's going on in the outside world, it helps to keep your interior environment as stress-free as possible, starting by removing clutter. A cluttered environment is a chaotic one, which keeps you from being able to renew, restore, slow down, and just let go when you arrive home, because you're too busy fighting all that "stuff" around you. This is especially true when you work from home, where you need to separate your professional and personal lives. An uncluttered environment helps the energy flow smoothly, so you'll feel less anxious, less pressured, and generally in a better mood. Here's my Feng Shui "permission slip:” It's OK to get rid of everything you don't like, don't need, and don't use, no matter how much you paid for it. Keep and display only what you love.
2. Refresh the colors. When you're already full of fire from the conflict around you in a troubled world, coming home to hot, Fire Element colors like red may keep you from relaxing. Try removing some of the red and hot orange accessories and instead surrounding yourself with the color blue for relaxation and green for renewal. It's also helpful to have a warm, neutral color on the walls instead of a cold, stark white. Check to assure that your colors and patterns aren't conflicting with each other. If a pattern is jarring to your eye, it's going to make you feel stressed and cranky without realizing what's causing the problem. Try switching to solids in your accessories instead of stripes, plaids, and huge bold patterns.
3. Lighten Up. Make sure the lighting in your home is not too harsh. Modern lighting has come a long way since those CFL corkscrews first replaced incandescent bulbs (you don't still have any of those, do you?), but now you have too many choices. Look for full spectrum lighting that mimics natural daylight, and choose bulbs with warmer tones. Lighting is considered upbeat, yang energy, so in troubled times you need to bring in all the light you can to balance the dark, yin energy from imagery of violence and chaos. You can bring in more natural sunlight by cleaning your windows and opening the window treatments.
4. Connect to nature. Treat yourself to fresh flowers and healthy living plants with rounded, bushy leaves. Avoid plants with thorns or spikes, since they will add to the sharpness you are already feeling. If you have long-growing plants like cactus you don’t want to give up, surround them with plants that have soft leaves or that blossom to balance the harsh energy. Add the scent of lavender to your environment for its calming effect, especially in your bedroom to help you sleep. Precious stones can be used to deflect bad energy and to attract and boost good luck. Amethysts are generally regarded as related to peace, spirituality, and tranquility. Displaying amethyst stones can promote calmness and reduce anger and irritability.
5. Change the view. If there's anything in your home that "drives you nuts," it’s raising your anxiety level even when you’re not at home. This includes things like projects that never get finished, wall cracks that need repairing, stained furniture that needs some TLC, and anything else you've been postponing. This category also includes art and objects around you that you no longer love, or that are dark, violent, or hostile, no matter what their value. I suggest you follow my “Rule of 3Rs:” Remove, Repair, or Replace these items. Also, if you have an unattractive view from any window, hang window treatments to block it so you change your point of view, literally and figuratively.
6. Surround yourself with friendly people. The constant bombardment of bad news can make you feel alone in a disconnected world. Counter this feeling by displaying images of your family, friends, and pets. If you have photos of ancestors, display these with current images of family to show growth and connection. You can also surround yourself with images of your favorite places, especially photos of your visits there with special people. The only exception is to avoid placing photos of people other than you and your partner in your main bedroom, because this room should be a private place reserved for rest and romance. Play soothing music or nature sounds in the background so you can actually have a conversation with your friends and family, and consider a white noise machine to block out outside distractions.
Carol M. Olmstead, FSIA, is a sought-after Feng Shui Master practitioner, dynamic speaker, and critically acclaimed author. In her first book, the award-winning Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office, Carol demystifies this 5,000-year-old design tradition and shows how to unblock energy and transform your life. In her newest book, Feng Shui to the Rescue: Rearrange Your Space, Shift Your Energy, Transform Your Life!, she answers more than 400 frequently asked questions, plus shares tips and success stories from her clients. Her ebook, 365 Feng Shui Secrets, includes a tip for every day of the year.