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July 2014 -- "Success Stories"

Q: Does Feng Shui work? I’m ready to try it but my husband is skeptical about whether moving furniture or hanging something new on the wall can really make a difference.
A: This is my favorite question, because my clients’ success stories answer it for me. The stories I hear involve attracting the “Big 3” - wealth, harmony, and love.

Jesse was experiencing financial difficulties so I suggested she buy a new red wallet to help attract wealth. Here's what she wrote:
I was worried about my business and my finances, so you suggested I hid a $100 bill in a new red wallet as a symbol of attracting more money. Immediately after, I signed two new clients and one recommended me to someone else, who also hired me. Since I got my red wallet I've felt more confident about my finances and know I’ll have plenty of money to buy whatever I need.

When a mirror reflects something unappealing it symbolically doubles it. Leslie was feeling overwhelmed by the household chores that were distracting her from family time. Here's what she wrote:
After reading your book I noticed that when the bathroom door was closed, the mirror on the front reflected my laundry hamper and ironing board. No wonder I felt overwhelmed by piles of laundry to wash and iron. I moved the mirror and it worked. I still have laundry, but now I bring it into the family room and everyone helps fold. It’s become a time when the kids can talk about their day.

Laura's L-shaped home was missing the Love Area. Divorced for many years, she was ready for a new relationship, and I explained how the missing area related to her missing love life. We marked the missing corner with a pair of red ceramic flowerpots. Here's what she wrote:
What an eye-opener when you pointed out my missing Love area. I couldn't stop telling people how it was the perfect metaphor for what was going on in my life. I planted red geraniums in the red planters and soon after that I met Mike. Really, I couldn't believe it. He is such a wonderful man and I already know that he’s the one.

Does Feng Shui work? Try it for yourself.
Create business success with my new online video class “Grow Your Business with Feng Shui.” I’m offering a 25% off special for the month of July. Click here to watch the video promo.

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