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March 2014 -- "Feng Shui Spring Clearing"

Feng Shui Spring Clearing

Q: This unusually warm weather makes me feel like I’m ready to emerge my winter cocoon. There’s been a lot of sickness in my home this winter, is there anything I should do around my house to make sure we have a healthy spring?

A: One thing you can do is a thorough spring cleaning of your pantry and cabinets where you store food. In Feng Shu, a clean, food-filled pantry represents the center of family life and a symbol of good health and continuing prosperity. Here are four simple steps to Feng Shui your pantry as you emerge into the new season:

1. Remove all cleaning products, including the brooms, mops, buckets, and vacuum cleaner, from the pantry, shelves, or cabinets where you store food. In Feng Shui, when cleaning products and food are stored together it symbolizes cleaning away your good health. Keep your cleaning products these under the sink, in the laundry room, or in a separate closet. And it’s important to avoid storing the trash or cat liter in the pantry.
2. Remove everything from your pantry, wipe the shelves, and get rid of anything that is expired. Replace old spices, nuts, and oils, and refill canisters with new flour and sugar.
3. Clear out your refrigerator. Don’t just clean out the interior of the fridge, also be sure to pay attention to the exterior by updating old photos and children’s drawings, removing forgotten shopping lists, and replacing the old take-out menus you have on the fridge door.
4. Sweep the pantry and kitchen floor to symbolically make room for good energy. Be sure to sweep out of the room toward the kitchen door instead of into the room. In Feng Shui terms, sweeping outward represents moving out old energy to make room for the new.

And don’t forget to treat yourself to a new pair of oven mitts or potholders to replace the burnt ones.

Feng Shui Tip for March: As the weather starts to change, transform your wardrobe by letting go of the clothes you no longer need, such as shoes that cause blisters, pants that ride a bit too high in the crotch, or the clothes that are a size too small. If you haven’t worn an item of clothing for a year, remove it from your closet and donate it to charity. When you hold on to things that don’t fit, you hold on to old energy and symbolically hold on to excess weight.

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