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Feng Shui and Pregnancy

If you are trying to get pregnant, there are Feng Shui changes you can make in your home that symbolize fertility and help welcome a new life. This was the case for my clients Stephanie and Dave, who desperately wanted a baby but were having difficulty getting pregnant. The couple, who had no problems conceiving their first child, were frustrated and exhausted from worrying about infertility. They had moved since their first child was born, and Stephanie wondered if there was a connection between their new home’s Feng Shui and pregnancy.
The first thing I noticed when I arrived for their consultation was that the home was not a complete rectangle, and that the Love/Marriage area of the bagua was missing. In Feng Shui, the ideal shape for a home is a square or rectangle; therefore, it is necessary to symbolically bring back missing areas. Restoring the Love/Marriage area was especially critical because the couple was frustrated after all the fertility testing, and needed support for their relationship.
The couple had a queen size bed, which was good, because its rectangular shape represented growth. However, it was a platform bed with drawers underneath, flush to the floor. I suggested the couple get a new bed that had legs to raise it off the floor to encourage the flow of positive chi all around them. I reminded them to avoid storing anything underneath, and not to move the new bed or sweep or vacuum under it before or during pregnancy so energy would be undisturbed. Stephanie especially liked this Feng Shui suggestion.
I also pointed out that their ceiling fan was directly over their bed, which in Feng Shui is associated with energy “cutting” through the abdominal area of both partners. Since there was no other location for their bed, I recommended they either hang a crystal from the pull chain of the fan or place red dots on the top side of each fan blade to symbolically balance any negative energy.
I noticed that there wasn’t much artwork in the room, and recommended they hang art that showed baby and mother-child images, and add a current photo of the two of them. I also suggested they remove all work-related objects from the room, like Dave’s laptop and the treadmill, so they could focus on the true purpose of a bedroom -- rest and romance.
Next, I suggested the couple pay attention to the Children/Creativity area of their home, which in their home was the location of their cluttered guest room. I explained that the energy in this area should be clutter free so it’s ready to receive new life. I recommended a thorough clutter clearing to remove any blockage, then displaying symbols of fertility in this room. One strong Feng Shui and pregnancy symbol is a white orchid, because white is the color of the Feng Shui “children” area, and plants represent life. Additional fertility symbols for this area include healthy plants, a vase, a figure of a baby, and art with images that are playful, childlike, and fun.
I also told Stephanie and Dave about traditional Chinese fertility symbols, but cautioned that if these symbols didn't have any special meaning to the couple they wouldn't necessarily have any effect -- a single piece of hollow bamboo, red lanterns hung on both sides of the bed, a dragon placed on the man's side of the bed, elephant statues on both sides of the bedroom door, a double fish symbol of marital unity, pomegranates, and the classical Chinese image of 100 children.
Finally, I offered the couple these additional Feng Shui recommendations for increasing fertility --
• Remove anything blocking the front door, like a large tree, overgrown bushes, or even a car parked out front.
• Hang a brass wind chime at your entrance to welcome new energy.
• Avoid starting any big remodeling projects while trying to conceive.
• Remove any plants aren’t growing.
• Plant a fruit tree, the ancient symbol of fertility.
• Display images and objects that remind you of the happiness of having a new baby.
The first thing I noticed when I arrived for their consultation was that the home was not a complete rectangle, and that the Love/Marriage area of the bagua was missing. In Feng Shui, the ideal shape for a home is a square or rectangle; therefore, it is necessary to symbolically bring back missing areas. Restoring the Love/Marriage area was especially critical because the couple was frustrated after all the fertility testing, and needed support for their relationship.
The couple had a queen size bed, which was good, because its rectangular shape represented growth. However, it was a platform bed with drawers underneath, flush to the floor. I suggested the couple get a new bed that had legs to raise it off the floor to encourage the flow of positive chi all around them. I reminded them to avoid storing anything underneath, and not to move the new bed or sweep or vacuum under it before or during pregnancy so energy would be undisturbed. Stephanie especially liked this Feng Shui suggestion.
I also pointed out that their ceiling fan was directly over their bed, which in Feng Shui is associated with energy “cutting” through the abdominal area of both partners. Since there was no other location for their bed, I recommended they either hang a crystal from the pull chain of the fan or place red dots on the top side of each fan blade to symbolically balance any negative energy.
I noticed that there wasn’t much artwork in the room, and recommended they hang art that showed baby and mother-child images, and add a current photo of the two of them. I also suggested they remove all work-related objects from the room, like Dave’s laptop and the treadmill, so they could focus on the true purpose of a bedroom -- rest and romance.
Next, I suggested the couple pay attention to the Children/Creativity area of their home, which in their home was the location of their cluttered guest room. I explained that the energy in this area should be clutter free so it’s ready to receive new life. I recommended a thorough clutter clearing to remove any blockage, then displaying symbols of fertility in this room. One strong Feng Shui and pregnancy symbol is a white orchid, because white is the color of the Feng Shui “children” area, and plants represent life. Additional fertility symbols for this area include healthy plants, a vase, a figure of a baby, and art with images that are playful, childlike, and fun.
I also told Stephanie and Dave about traditional Chinese fertility symbols, but cautioned that if these symbols didn't have any special meaning to the couple they wouldn't necessarily have any effect -- a single piece of hollow bamboo, red lanterns hung on both sides of the bed, a dragon placed on the man's side of the bed, elephant statues on both sides of the bedroom door, a double fish symbol of marital unity, pomegranates, and the classical Chinese image of 100 children.
Finally, I offered the couple these additional Feng Shui recommendations for increasing fertility --
• Remove anything blocking the front door, like a large tree, overgrown bushes, or even a car parked out front.
• Hang a brass wind chime at your entrance to welcome new energy.
• Avoid starting any big remodeling projects while trying to conceive.
• Remove any plants aren’t growing.
• Plant a fruit tree, the ancient symbol of fertility.
• Display images and objects that remind you of the happiness of having a new baby.