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Could the color of your kitchen be contributing to your weight problems?

From the Albuquerque Weight Loss Examiner, February 16, 2010
By Marsha Thole

Who would have thought that the color of your kitchen could affect your weight loss plan? We all know what we like in colors, but do you know which colors you should avoid in your kitchen? If you are planning a remodeling project, you might want to give some thought to the colors you want in your kitchen, and how they might affect your weight.

Carol M. Olmstead, nationally recognized author of Feng Shui Quick Guide for Home and Office - Secrets for Attracting Wealth, Harmony, and Love, answered the following question in her monthly e-zine.

Q: I want to lose weight, is there any particular place I should use Feng Shui to enhance my house to help me with my goal?
A: The first place you should focus on when trying to lose weight is your kitchen. You want a clutter free kitchen that has a sense of lightness to it. In regard to kitchen colors, choose a calm color like blue which can help curb your appetite, or a healing color like green. Avoid the Fire Element colors like red, oranges, and purple since they heat things up. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter and grow fresh herbs or plants. The second place to lighten up is your bedroom closet, where you should get rid of old clothes you can no longer wear. Overstuffed closets represent holding on to things, like weight.

Certain colors elicit certain emotions, too. If you want to learn more, check out Carol's website and sign up for her monthly free e-zine. She has taken the mystery out of what can be a confusing topic.

FOR MORE INFO: Read more of Carol's articles here (she is the Feng Shui editor for BellaOnline). And men--don't be turned off by the fact that BellaOnline is a site with articles by women. The information is universal.

For specific tips on applying Feng Shui to weight loss, click here. Carol holds workshop and seminars all over the country, and particularly in Santa Fe and Albuquerque (more info is on her website).

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