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Feng Shui for Dorms and Small Apartments

Feng Shui for Dorms and Small Apartments
If you’re a student moving into a dorm room, small apartment, or studio, or if someone in your family is making this big move, a few Feng Shui tips can help make the transition smoother. Students, especially freshman moving into a dorm room for the first time, usually find that their new surroundings are not quite as comfortable as their bedrooms back home. The same can be said for people starting out in their first small apartment or one-room studio. These five easy Feng Shui tips can help ease the transition into dorm or apartment life.

1. Position your Bed Correctly. Try to position your bed so you can see out the door without twisting your head. It’s best to avoid sleeping with your feet facing directly out the door, which in Feng Shui is considered the most inauspicious position for getting a good night’s rest. If you can’t move your bed, place a piece of furniture, a screen, a shawl, or other soft fabric near the end of the bed for cushioning.

2. Clear Clutter. In Feng Shui, clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward, so be careful where you pile and file things. Being surrounded by too much stuff prevents the flow of positive chi, or energy, around you and makes your room feel cold rather than welcoming. If you have the opportunity to add your own furniture, look for pieces that double as storage space, such as an ottoman that opens so you can store your linens. For dorms where eating, sleeping, and studying are all done in one room, use a screen to separate the areas whenever possible to help minimize distractions. For example, when you're studying you can position the screen so you can't see the TV, which could distract you from studying. Or, you could screen off the bed, since this could tempt you to take a nap instead of opening your books.

3. Add Living Plants. Place a living plant within 3 feet of your computer to help balance any electromagnetic frequencies, or EMFs, that it generates. Choose plants with rounded leaves since they represent wealth, and avoid cactus and other spiky plants that repel energy and Bonsai and stunted plants that represented limited growth. If you can’t grow natural plants, silk is an acceptable alternative because it’s made from a natural fabric. Avoid displaying dried flowers around the room because in Feng Shui they represent dead energy.

4. Clean Your Windows. Windows are considered the “eyes” of a building, so when they are dirty your vision is clouded. It may sound radical, but clean the inside of your windows occasionally so your can clearly see your future. And be sure to open your windows frequently to let in positive chi.

5. Decorate with the Five Elements. Use a balance of colors and shapes of the Feng Shui Five Elements to decorate your space. The Five Elements is the collective name used to describe the colors, shapes, and textures around you: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. Each Element is distinguished by a characteristic shape, colors, and set of attributes. When you include a mix of all of these Elements in your dorm or small apartment, your space feels more balanced and comfortable. For example, red is the Fire Element color that adds passion; yellow is an Earth Element color that helps ground you; white is a Metal Element color that gives you focus; blue is a Water Element color that will keep you relaxed; and green is the Wood Element color that helps your knowledge expand. Click here to read more about the Five Elements.

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